Saturday 26 July 2014

Whilst we are still waiting for my pal Arch to put his wig detector into action I will look at some more good rugs. I was going to make today's entry about sportsmen but I have decided to concentrate on one in particular; snooker player Jimmy "The Whirlwind" Wig. He has had some really dreadful rugs over the last 20 years.

So, who did Jimmy get inspiration from? Surely no other snooker player wore a piece?

It is the late Australian snooker star Eddie Charlton with the finest kangaroo hair toupee strapped on. Clearly an inspiration for the up and coming Jimmy White.

Here is a picture of Jimmy (on the right) with all his own hair:

Above it is well and truly waving goodbye and Jimmy is quickly starting to look like a cue ball.

Below are a selection of Jimmy's toupees over the last few years. Some quality here I hope you agree!

Is the last one on straight? It looks as though it is a bit of a tufty toupee.

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